Absolutely nothing improves a form like excellent tummy muscles

Absolutely nothing improves a form like excellent tummy muscles and chiseled 6-pack abs.

However, what do you actually have to-do to lose that belly-fat and get great stomach muscles?

Do hundreds and hundreds of crunches and sit ups?

Get yourself through torment on one of those uncomfortable ab machines within your gym?

Or would you rather waste your hard earned cash on one of those ab-belts that are advertised so often on TV?

Over time, I've found people, bursting their backsides within the gym doing masses of reverse crunches, crunches, sit ups, hanging leg lifts and other torturous ab exercises with little to show for their effort.

These ab isolation exercises are beneficial, yet they are only part of the procedure that can help you lose that belly-fat and gain excellent gut muscles and chiseled 6-pack abs.

Three essential variables in attaining those chiseled 6-pack abs to die for are Diet, Fat-loss and Cardiovascular fitness, together with the understanding of how the abdominal muscles function.


You need to pay more care and attention to what you eat.

Great physiques aren't constructed on a diet of fast-foods or junk foods.

Despite what you might believe, the wrong kind of carbohydrates rather than fats are the principal perpetrators.  Although of course you mustn't eat an excess number of fats

The wrong kind of carbohydrates, ie. those with a higher glycemic index, are mainly in charge of depositing an unneeded layer of fat in your body, so stopping you from attaining those great tummy muscles.

High glycemic carbohydrates are carbohydrates the body metabolizes, exercises for abs and assimilates fast, I.e cookies, cakes, biscuits, ice-cream, foods using a high sugar content, french fries, processed white rice, ever wondered why you're starving again within an hour or so of eating a Chinese take away meal foods made from highly processed white flour, etc.

Sodas and other sugar-laden soft drinks and beers are also lethal for your quest to eliminate stomach fat and attain chiseled 6-pack abs.

It is essential that your diet is made up mainly of nutritious foods in their own natural shape and also you stay clear or minimize your consumption of processed and packaged foods.

Positive, they might be low on fat but they are equally full of sugar, cheap corn syrup and also a plethora of other ingredients chemicals which many of us cannot even pronounce!

You can't go wrong in case you stay with foods that have only one ingredient, I.e oats instead of some gaudily packaged breakfast cereal that promises to be the 'breakfast of champs.'

Whole-grain rice instead of some brightly packaged, ready-made flavored rice.


Cardio-vascular exercise works together with good and sensible nutrition in helping you lose body fat so the underlying stomach muscles

can reveal through.

The sum of cardio work you do shouldn't be excessive particularly if you are trying to build muscle.

Excessive cardio is extremely harmful to building muscle. Hell, you don't need to end up looking like a long distant runner.

The entire notion would be to build a slim muscular physique with chiseled 6-pack abs, to not seem to be an emaciated, stringy muscled marathon runner.

To lose that belly-fat and attain chiseled 6-pack abs to die for.


As a way to reach those 6-pack abs to die for, it's crucial you have an understanding of the part the abs play within the body.

The abs are the primary stabilizing muscles in the body and are quite important core muscles.

This might seem contrary to everything you have been educated or led to consider through the years. But here is a test for you....go into a push up position, then reach up with one hand and feel how taut and stretched your abs get.

This is your abdominal wall tightening up to safeguard and stabilize your system whilst you exercise.

Ever thought about how tight your abdominal muscles get whilst doing some tricep push-downs?

Truthfully your abdominal muscles are worked most times you exercise and during most moves you perform within the gym.

This is further improved in the event your breathing pattern is correct, I.e inhaling in the negative stage and exhaling forcibly in the effort or positive stage.

There's an area for ab exercises like crunches, and so on, but you must remember to not overtrain them as simply another muscle and treat your abs. Over-training leads to muscle loss


It is important to notice that fat is essentially stored energy and also the body was created to take it's fat stores around the midriff.

The body totally loathes to get rid of these stores around the midriff and fat around the abdomen is definitely the last to go.

You can't see reduce fat, I.e choose to lose fat from selected areas such as your belly, so any fat loss you achieve from a wholesome nutritious diet and appropriate cardio regime will be all over your body, with the stomach being the last to respond.

Remember a slim muscular body is just a fat burning machine.